What is an adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is a gentle, specific force that is applied to remove misalignments in the bones (vertebrae) of the spine. Most adjustments are done by hand and may implement with the use of special drop tables which reduce the force of an adjustment while increasing effectiveness. Sometimes it is also useful for chiropractors to employ specialized adjusting instruments to achieve the best possible result for the patient.

What kind of conditions do chiropractors treat?
Chiropractors correct minor misalignments between the bones of the spine called subluxations. Subluxations can cause back pain, change normal spinal mechanics to limit flexibility, or even lead to arthritis. Subluxations can also affect organ systems and muscles by interfering with the communication of the nervous system. Due to the wide range of conditions that can be caused or aggravated by subluxations, chiropractors can help many conditions simply by removing subluxations.

Will the chiropractic adjustment hurt?
People experience different responses to chiropractic adjustments. Although it is rare, some people may experience discomfort during and immediately following the adjustment but this is generally mild and goes away quickly, usually within seconds. The most common thing that people feel is relief because something has been positively changed.

What is the “pop” or “crack” that I sometimes hear when I am adjusted?
The popping or cracking sound that sometimes accompanies chiropractic adjustments is called “cavitation” and is caused by the quick change in pressure in the joint capsules as the vertebrae are moved. These sounds are not harmful.

How many times will I need to go to a Chiropractor?
Care plans for each patient are different based on individual needs. In a typical care plan there are three phases: acute, sub-acute, and maintenance. The acute phase is the initial part of your care and may require office visits two to three times a week for the first several weeks to stabilize your condition. Sub-acute care follows acute care and may involve one to two visits per week until your body becomes fully rehabilitated. The maintenance phase follows with visits once or twice per month in order to maintain a healthy, subluxation-free spine and to prevent relapse.

Why do people continue going to a chiropractor after their problem (i.e. back pain, headaches, etc.) goes away?
Chiropractic promotes overall health by removing interference to your nervous system. People who receive regular chiropratic care are healthier for it. Many patients who come in initially for back pain find that they have less trouble with allergies and colds or that they sleep better and have more energy. Often many of the old aches and pains that they thought were normal have gone away. The bottom line is that for many this improved quality of life is something that they don’t want to give up, so they continue chiropractic care long after their initial complaints have gone away in order to have a better quality of life.

Is chiropractic safe?
Absolutely. Chiropractic is one of the safest health care options available and offers an outstanding safety record. As with any health treatment, there is a very small chance of complications. However, when weighed against the benefits, chiropractic comes out a winner hands down.

Should I bring my children?
Yes. Chiropractic is safe and effective for children. Studies suggest that chiropractic can reduce the rate of many childhood disorders like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), bed wetting, insomnia, allergies and even SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Chiropractic for children also reduces the risk of orthopedic and health problems in adulthood by correcting potential problems at a young age. “As a twig is bent, so grows the tree.” Getting spinal problems corrected when they’re young can prevent many problems later in life. It’s never too early to start chiropractic care!